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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Somalia, Marine, Deutsche, Kaperung, kapern, Piraten, Entführung. Lösegeld, Fregatte, Karlsruhe, Mandat, robust, Polizei, Verhaftung, Piraterie, Gewässer, Schifffahrtslinien, Seehandel. Verkehrswege, Gefahr, Ü,berfall, Geiselnahme, Schnellboote, Raketen, Bewaffnung, Tanker, Kriegsschiff, Küste, Bundeswehr, Soldaten
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 21. November 2008

  •  zum Thema: Fregatte "Karlsruhe" von somalischen Piraten gekapert, Besatzung hofft auf Polizei

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Willst du einen deutschen Soldaten kampfunfähig machen, laß ihn mit seiner Regierung telefonieren!"
  • English description: Off the Somalian coast indigenous pirates are operating more and more impudent. Recently even a super tankship was captured by them and now they claim a two-digit million dollar amount as a ransom. German navy is there, but is only allowed to monitor and displace pirates if possible and necessary. Politicians in Berlin say navy soldiers may not detain any pirates because this was a police job only. Leading political personnel and military personnel seemingly are in the first line afraid of loosing their career, afraid that they could be publicly accused of breaking written oder unwritten laws when one pirate should get bodily or materially damaged. Lucky pirates ... shown here on the bridge of captured German frigate Karlsruhe saying (caption): if you want to make a german soldier hors de combat, make him phone his government. -- Kneeling german captain talks via phone with german minister of defense, Franz-Josef Jung: Understood, Sir: remain on knees and take care that pirates under no circumstances are injured.

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