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  Aktuelle Karikaturen  
Immigration, Islam, Türkei, Libanon, Südländer, Bad Sooden, Überfall, Körperverletzung, Allendorf, Festzelt, Erntefest, Exekution, Allah ist groß, Verkleidete Neonazis verursachen Blutbad bei Muslim-Feier, Spendenkonto, Kampf gegen Rechts, Verlogenheit, Falsche Spur, Sündenbockpolitik, Nachrichten, Sendung, Sprecherin, Brett vor dem Kopf, auf dem linken Auge blind
  •  Politik-Karikatur vom 19. August 2008

  •  zum Thema: Erntefest Bad Sooden: Sadistischer Südländer-Blutrausch als "rechte Gewalt" vermeldet - linke Korrektmedien machen sich lächerlich

  •  Bildunterschrift: "Rechte Gewalt wird zu einem weltweiten Problem, sehen Sie den Bericht...!"
  • English description: In a small german town, Bad Sooden, a group of about six young men late at night entered a marquee where many people were celebrating a harvest festival. They wore arm-, chest- and leg-protectors and began to attack the celebrators with telescope-sticks, tear gas sprays and wooden bars without any warning. Reportedly they shouted "shitty germans". After they had injured about 13 persons severely they fled after a presence that lasted only a few minutes with their cars. All witnesses described the offenders as of south-european appearance and so it was reported by police. Some german media nevertheless reported this incident under the headline of violence from the right, i.e. of hostility against immigrants. Caption: Violence from the right becomes a problem of world-wide dimension, see the report... . Text under Allah-is-great-execution scene: dressed up neo-nazis cause a bloodshed on a muslim's celebration. Text underneath: donations account for the fight against the political right +++ account number 666...

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Götz Wiedenroth • Mühlenstraße 28 • 24937 Flensburg • Telefon: 0461 / 18 23 56 • Telefax: 0461 / 9 78 73 34
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